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第九章表姐来支招了! (第3/3页)
thing, I’m hopelessly and desperately in love with her.” Cindy脸绷紧了,眼珠子在瞪大的眼眶中转了转: “Wow, OK. Loud and clear. Great. Good for you, Matty! Good for you. So you are in love. Does she love you back?” 提这一茬,华诤有点黯然神伤,耸耸肩: “Well, I guess not. I don’t think so.” 伸长手臂拍着表弟的肩膀,Cindy慢慢道: “Hey, have you ever heard the poem?” “What poem?” “’To be with a woman who doesn’t love you back, is more lonely than to be alone’” 为这句话,姐弟俩默哀了几秒钟。华诤想起什么,拍拍桌子道: “Focus! Sis. Focus! Anyway, I don’t want to make things weird between me and my girlfriend. Are there any tips? Anything would lead us to``` you know?” “OK” Cindy摊摊手,笑道: “You are family. Technically, you are my little brother. I’m your big sister. And I love you. I do. Hence, I would help you out whenever you need me. First of all” Cindy 右手从左手心里扳出一个手指头: “You gotta get a room for you two. Be alone, for God sake! ” 不过,鉴于中美意识上的差异,Cindy还是不放心地补充问了一句: “Is your girlfriend OK with that?” 华诤点点头: “Yeah. I can make that happen.” “OK. Secondly, there is a story which would make your girlfriend want to have sex with you voluntarily. However, You gotta state it right.” 有这么神奇的事? “What story?” 华诤正以空前绝后高涨热忱的态度在学习,大人们就回来了。华珮进门时,远远听到他们两姐弟的话,便喝道: “思思,你忘记我们之间承诺了?在家不准说中文!” 岑兰笑道: “是不许说英文吧?” 华珮笑道: “唉,都被她气糊涂了。是,不准说英文!在家不准说英文!” 岳思思站起来,华诤抓住她的短袖阻止她离开: “什么故事?” 岳思思为难道: “对不起,你姑姑不准我说英文。我不知道用中文怎么说,我中文不好,我不会翻译。”